Holocaust Names Memorial

designed by famous architect Daniel Libeskind

A place where survivors can remember their loved ones.

stelling van amsterdam

The National Holocaust Names Memorial on Weesperstraat is a labyrinth of passageways flanked by two-metre-tall brick walls with 102,000 names, date of birth and age of death.

A Holocaust Names Memorial bearing the names of 102,000 people* not given a proper burial will be erected in the Netherlands

In September 2021, the Holocaust Memorial of Names was unveiled by King Willem-Alexander in an impressive ceremony in the presence of a number of survivors and descendants.

* Of the 140,000 Jews who lived in the Netherlands in 1940, 102,000 did not survive the war.

Nationaal Holocaust Namenmonument

Concept and design

The monument was designed by Polish-American designer Daniel Libeskind and commemorates the almost 102,000 Dutch Jewish victims and 220 Sinti and Roma who perished during the Holocaust and were not given an individual grave.

The memorial comprises 4 Hebrew letters that together spell the word for 'In memory of'.

When you enter the memorial, you find yourself in a labyrinth of passageways flanked by two-metre-tall brick walls. Inscribed on each of the 102,000 bricks is a name, date of birth and age of death, in such a way that the name of each victim can be touched.

Weesperstraat   Centrum

The Weesperstraat is located on the eastern side of Amsterdam city centre, very close to Jonas Daniƫl Meijerplein, on the edge of the Plantage neighbourhood.

The history of this area is closely linked to the history of Jews in Amsterdam.

Located within walking distance of the site are monuments and notable buildings that, each in its own way, illuminate some aspect of Jewish history.

Before the Second World War, practically everybody who lived on Weesperstraat was Jewish.

more impressions

On Sunday 19 September 2021, King Willem-Alexander, together with Jacques Grishaver, chairman of the Dutch Auschwitz Committee, unveiled the new Holocaust Names Memorial in Amsterdam.