The scale, the angular forms and the zinc facade of 'The Whale' residential complex (also nicknamed 'The Sphinx') have given it an iconic status in the redeveloped harbour district of Amsterdam (Oostelijk Havengebied). It contrasts with the surroundings of low-rise dwellings like a 'meteorite' fallen from the skies.
The block contains a total of 214 apartments and was realised by architect Frits van Dongen in 2000.
The striking sculptural form with its angled top and underbelly ensures that all the dwellings and the courtyard garden enjoy sufficient sunlight, fresh air and open views.
place Baron G.A. Tindalstraat 224, Borneo-Sporenburg, Amsterdam Oost
directions_bus 48, 65, 246, 759 C. van Eesterenlaan tram 24 C. van Eesterenlaan