Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

bars that sell hashish and marijuana


Coffeeshop Smokey on Rembrandtplein

Amsterdam's coffeeshops are a popular tourist attraction.

They sell hashish and offer smoking facilities with loud music to smoke a joint.

Many people visit the city to smoke marijuana.

This is illegal but tolerated by the Dutch authorities.

The anti-smoke law for public spaces does not apply here.

Coffeeshops in Amsterdam are not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages or other drugs.

What are coffeeshops?

In the Netherlands, a café is the equivalent of a full bar, and sells liquor, cocktails, wine, and beer. A 'koffiehuis' serves coffee, while a 'coffee shop' (using the English term) sells soft drugs (cannabis and hashish) and is not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages or other drugs. They risk closure if they are found to be selling soft drugs to minors, hard drugs or selling alcohol.

Amsterdam has hundreds of coffeeshops* scattered throughout the city. See below some suggestions for well-established coffeeshops in the centre of Amsterdam with a nice and safe ambiance. They are among the oldest shops in the city.

* The number of Amsterdam coffee shops has been reduced from 283 to 166 in recent years.

Door signs

Coffeeshops are not allowed to advertise, so you won't see a big sign saying 'Marijuana for Sale'. Coffeeshops can be recognized by their signs with cannabis leaves or red-yellow-green Rastafarian flags on the window or door.

If you don't see a dealer's booth, just go up to the bar and ask to see the 'menu'. You will be presented with a list of the various different grasses and hashes available at a range of prices.

In some shops cannabis is sold by weight, in others by value. Cannabis prices vary according to shop location and type. In the centre of Amsterdam prices tend to be a little higher, especially in places that cater for tourists.


Amsterdam, to many people, means drugs and regardless of your moral viewpoint it's hard not to visit Amsterdam and not come across drugs in some shape or form.

Illegal but tolerated

The "coffeeshop" is a unique Dutch institution. For over 40 years, coffeeshops have operated with quasi-legal status in the Netherlands. Although there is no law that allows soft drugs to be sold, the Dutch tolerate the presence of coffeeshops because they separate the soft drug users from the hard drug dealers. So, in short, it is actually illegal to sell weed, but not punishable.

Read more about the Drug policy of the Netherlands  on Wikipedia

famous coffeeshops in Amsterdam with a nice and safe ambiance



The first official licensed coffeeshop of Amsterdam

place Rusland 16 - Centrum / Old Centre

De Tweede Kamer

De Tweede Kamer

Small picturesque coffeeshop with modern interior. Its name refers to the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament.

place Heisteeg 6 - Centrum / Spui


The Bulldog   Ex-policestation

Former police station turned into a popular and famous grand café with live music and downstairs a coffeeshop since 1985.

place Leidseplein 17 - Centrum / Leidseplein



Well-established coffee shop since 1984, beautifully located at the Brouwersgracht

place Brouwersgr. 11 - Centrum / Canal Belt



Modern bar, nice place to smoke, but can be crowdy

place Rosmarijnsteeg 9 - Centrum / Spui

the corner

The Corner

One of the older coffeeshops in town with 30+ years of experience in selling weed, hash, pre-rolled joints and hash cake.

place Spaarndammerdijk 9 - West / Spaarndammerbuurt